Watchman Monitoring is designed to keep an IT Professional as prepared as possible. As our agent performs its hourly check, we regularly find failing hard drives, and dutifully notify our subscriber that their end user needs help.

As of today, Watchman Monitoring will help our Subscriber provide a resolution even faster with links to the related product page at Other World Computing. Now, with just a click, our subscribers have more options to help repair or upgrade a failing computer. We inform you:

  • How much RAM can a computer hold
  • The size(s) of hard drive a computer can accept.
  • What speed memory to use
  • What kinds of internal drives would fit (SSD Upgrade anyone?)
  • What kinds of popular accessories are on the market

You may have noticed that the OWC link above is an affiliate link. Through a partnership with OWC, Watchman Monitoring allows our subscribers to insert their own affiliate codes into the URLs. Learn more about the OWC Affiliate program in this article.)  For those who don’t want affiliate links, or even the product links at all, options in the dashboard have been created to allow this to be disabled.

If you are ready get spoon-fed critical information about the health of the Mac OS* computers you manage, we welcome you to start a trial today.

Links to product information for monitored Windows and Linux are in development.

Ready to get started?

Start your risk-free trial today